
First Of Many More

 This is my very first post. I hope people acually still read blogs. probably not but im still making my own blog. Hi! My name is ricki. Thats all im gonna say about my name beuase as most people do, i want my blog to be unknown. What i mean is i dont want anyone to know who i am. Where i live or whats my ful name. All ill say about myself is that im a girl and my name is ricki. I know i have a boys name but so what. its just a name. A word that a person is idetified with. The last thing ill say about myself is that i still am in school so if there are errors in my writing i apoligize. I really do hope that i do get people to read this. I love writing but nobody ever cares enough to hear me or read what i have to say. So that basically why i made this. I hope you continue to read my things. i honestly dont really know what a blog is completley but ill figure it out... eventually. well this is me signing off. Talk to you next time.